Monday, May 25, 2020
Did the central character experience an epiphany in this story Free Essay Example, 1250 words
She reserves the right to despise this girl for her looks and hides her feelings under a sarcastic smile, thereby, revealing her lack of sincerity. However, Mrs. Turpin’s judgmental attitude does not target teenagers only because she also singularizes a poor white woman she called â€Å"white trash†and her sick son. She simply judges this woman through her clothing and poor language and socially discriminates against her because she believes that the woman does not attain her social status. The narrator reports her thought about the woman: â€Å"Ought to have got you a wash rag and some soap, Mrs. Turpin thought†(O’Connor 345). This statement reflects Mrs. Turpin’s state of mind as she despises the woman and ranks her inferior. She later on compares the woman’s son to her pigs: â€Å"Mrs. Turpin gave her the merest edge of her attention. ‘Our hogs are not dirty and they don’t stink, ’ she said. ‘They’re cl eaner than some children I’ve seen’†(O’Connor 345). Daring to compare an innocent child to a pig reveals Mrs. Turpin’s true character and exposes her wickedness that challenges the claims about her Christian virtue. We will write a custom essay sample on Did the central character experience an epiphany in this story or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now O’Connor’ s portrayal of Mrs. Turpin’s flaws transcends both race and ethnicity because the woman’s vice does not target any specific group but reaches out to anyone with different standards. Therefore, her criticism is directed to anybody regardless of race or ethnicity that does not meet her requirements. She clearly exposes this idea in the reflection she had about her conversation with Jesus concerning her creation. She claims to be happy with her current status and does not want to be either a â€Å"nigger†or a â€Å"white trash†: â€Å"I have only those two places so make up your mind. ‘She would have wiggled and squirmed and begged but it would have been no use and finally she would have said, ‘all right, make me a nigger thenâ€â€but that don’t mean a trashy one. ’†(O’Connor 343-44). This demeaning reflection attests to the lack of consideration and respect Mrs. Turpin has for any group, and how self-centered she is. She regards her position as the best and views the others as chaotic and catastrophic. Besides, Mrs. Turpin’s negative attitude exacerbates the young college girl who realizes her boastful nature and wickedness and then makes the conscious decision to react. Thus, their silent confrontation moves a step further and becomes physical when the girl threw a book at her and then choked her. This physical assault comes as a direct consequence of her negativity and false pretense that need to be punished.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Essay on The Four Periods of Literature - 1518 Words
Celebrating Deterioration Literature is a tool. It is used to convey a large range of feeling and emotion. Literature and writing are perhaps some of the oldest communication methods used. There are four major literary time periods, the values of each of these, and their authors will be discussed. The first time period is authors who rejoiced in the basic joys of life. The next period saw authors realizing that life is short and must be enjoyed to the fullest. The third period influenced authors to begin taking new roads and creating literature that had never before existed. The fourth and final period in the discussion, men began to realize the destructive power of love and its capabilities for great evil, or great good. Each of these†¦show more content†¦She compares the fleeting beauty of youth to a season of nature. Time will not stand still, and the beauty of nature will only last for a season. These authors all wrote on the theme of nature as compared to love. The fina l work from this period comes from Edmund Spensers Sonnet 75: One day I wrote her name upon the strand, But came the waves and washed it away: Again I wrote it with a second hand, But came the tide, and made my pains his prey. (Spenser 1-4). Spensers verses addressed to his wife show that nature and love are not always compatible. Raleigh, Spenser, and Marlowe each teach that love can be found in nature, decaying or flourishing, they are inseparably linked. The second literature lesson to be learnt is that time should be an individuals most valuable asset. Time will always be something that everyone wants more of. Poets love to write about time, it provides a nearly endless supply of metaphors and can be shaped to send any sort of message. An adequate phrase to express writers thoughts on this theme would be carpe diem, which means seize the day. An excellent example of this thinking is Robert Herricks To the Virgins to Make Much of Time. In the first stanza of the poem Herrick writ es: Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old time is still a-flying; And this same flower that smiles today Tomorrow will be dying. (Herrick 1-4). Herrick wordsShow MoreRelated Enlightenment, Romanticism, Realism, Modernism, and Postmodernism598 Words  | 3 PagesEnlightenment, Romanticism, Realism, Modernism, and Postmodernism Literature: the enlightenment, romanticism, realism, modernism, and postmodernism†¦. Where does one begin? To some, those words can be as scary as the word computer is to others. This essay is designed to help you become a great literary interpreter. Getting the motivation is three fourths of the battle to getting into the heads of the artists. To begin, an outline of some of the literary movements has been provided. The enlightenmentRead MoreChinese Literature And Culture Of China1497 Words  | 6 Pages Chinese Literature and Culture Literature has a very important role to play in society and in the lives of all the people. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Impact of Creativity on Child Development - 2526 Words
Creativity is a key aspect of children’s development; it is highly related to one of the specific areas of development in the EYFS known as Expressive Arts and Design (although it does interlink with all the others). â€Å"Expressive Arts and Design involves enabling children to explore and play with a range of media and materials as well as providing opportunities and encouragement for sharing their thoughts, ideas and feelings through a variety of activities in art, music, movement, dance, role play, and design and technology†(1). There are a lot of benefits of creative play for the children. It helps develop their imagination and allows them to explore new textures, colours or smells. It can allow the child to experience activities and†¦show more content†¦Examples of types of formal and informal play: Formal Informal Making mother’s/father’s day cards Organised junk modelling Writing Cooking Gardening Singing Circle time Story writing Drama clubs Dance clubs Music lessons Group discussions and debating And more Role play Cooking Designing and decoration Painting Mark-making Play dough Home corner Dress up Junk modelling Water tray Sand tray Sensory boxes Pasta/rice play (food play) Shaving foam Gloop Music Puzzles And more Different creative activities benefit the child in different ways which is why it is important to provide a range of different activities and to make sure that the child is encouraged to give different things a go. Mark making is a crucial part of childhood development as it strengthens their fine motor skills allowing them to be ready for school and help them develop the pincer grasp they need to hold a pencil. Mark-making is also a good outlet for any emotional feelings, happy or sad. In a way that speech is seen to be internalised as thought, the same can be said for drawing being visual representation of their speech and thoughts. There are a lot of other activities that benefit fine motor development, some of the main ones including play dough and gloop. Play dough allows the child to squeeze, mould and grasp a malleable object with their fingersShow MoreRelatedThe Paradox Of Creativity : Why Does It Have So Many Meanings?1238 Words  | 5 PagesThe Paradox of Creativity When asked to define creativity, why does it have so many meanings? Creativity is one of those words when asked to define, have many definitions because there are many ways to go about being creative. Therefore having a viable meaning of that word is almost impossible because in general creativity varies from one person to the next. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Evaluation Of Audit Independence Threats
Question: Discuss about the Evaluation Of Audit Independence Threats. Answer: Introduction Auditors independent is a very important factor to be considered during an audit practice or process. Auditing as a practice in the business sector is one of the most valued services ensuring growth of any business institution like the one in the case study given. For any audit exercise to succeed auditors must be allowed with an opportunity to operate on their own will. Audit independence has therefore been distinguished by many researchers and scholars as the opportunity of an auditor to operate on his or her own will without any factor limiting his or her audit judgment. Apart from the researcher the ISB has defined audit independence as the ability of an auditor to operate freely without any factors on their way which can prevent them from being impartial, sensible and reasonably upright while conducting an audit review. The content of the paper therefore evaluates various threats to audit independence and other issues surrounding audit independence in relation to the two provide d case studies. Threats to audit independence Cover up for a client Audit independence being a very important factor while conducting an audit, it can sometimes be vulnerable to various factors such as covering or backing up the client firm by an auditor. As revealed within the conversation with Michael it is evident that the audit independence will be vulnerable based on the prevailing relationships. Michael from the conversation is likely to cover up for the father who is the top staff officer in charge of all the client firm records. In case of mistakes or misquotations, Michael is likely to cover up for the father leading to inappropriate audit judgment (Blay and Geiger 2013). This kind of threat also occurs when the client firm acts as a patron to the client firm. As revealed within the first conversation the management of the client firm wants chief auditor of the CJ audit to represent them through speech during an event. In such situations audit independence is likely not to apply as auditors operate without their will but that of the client. Self interest threat From the conversation in the situation one in the case study one, the audit independence is likely to be affected by a threat known as self interest threats. The client firm is planning on taking two of the top most officials in the CJ audit firm out. This kind of threat occurs when an auditor accepts a token from the client. The LTH Company which is the client firm is revealed to have a plan of taking the two officials to a 14 day occasion to Greek Isles covering every one of the costs. In such a circumstance the organization won't be reasonable to be the inspecting organization since the acknowledgment of blessings may prompt dishonorable examining (Cannon and Bedard 2016). In such circumstances where the head of review group has been given token, they tend to audit the organization budgetary records with a considerable measure of self enthusiasm covering botches. In this case the auditors will probably work hard to return a favor back to the client firm leading in valid audits. Safeguards to audit independence threats Even though the audit independence can be affected by various factors as the once mentioned above, the CJ as a firm can still put in place various steps in order to manage their independence. These factors which can be put in place for the management of audit independence are known as the safeguards to audit independence. Some of the safeguards which can be employed by the CJ audit firm include: Audit shifts According to the prevailing situations in the case study revealed through the conversations, one of the safeguards that can be employed is the audit turns. This can be employed to eradicate threats which may be within the firm such as familiarity and issue relating to trust. The issue of Michael and Annette as per the case study can be controlled and prevented through application of audit shifts. Annette has developed trust with client firm and mentioned that there will be no need for maximum audits in the taxation records since they had just conclude audits on the same months ago (Cohen 2014). In such like circumstances the audit independence no longer apply since her audit judgments have been influenced by trust and familiarity. Michael on the other hand s likely to cover for his father during the audits as the father is the one recording and analysis financial records within the client firm. The relationship between him and the dad can be avoided during auditing when auditin g shift is introduced. Observation of audit rules and ethics Most of the threats highlighted and discussed above can be prevented with proper observation of the norms. The audit rules and ethics always cover for the audit independence. The issue of forcing the audit firm to give speech on the behalf of the client firm can be avoided with observations of rules set for auditors (DeFond and Zhang 2014). Operational risks Company in the case study two is involved with the sales of machinery and machinery spare parts, most of services are therefore operational. The firm also offers a periodic warranty for their clients the process in which mechanics from various organizations are hired to offer maintenances services which require transport as well as other costs (Dhaliwal 2015). Transport risks The organization in the study offers services and sales to customers who operates locally thereby locate in the remote areas. The company offer transportation services to their customers as after sale services therefore increased cost (Quick and Warming 2015). The company also offers maintenance for their clients who are remotely located as already mentioned leading to more expenditure thereby reduced speculated profit margin. Inherent risk From the case the most audit risk to be noticed during the 2015 audits in the inherent risks which occur at the audit report level. Inherent risks occurs as a result of misquotes of figures during sales or maintenance services (Quick and Warming 2015). Most of the operations are conducted by external mechanics who may misquotes figures during their operation such accommodation cost among as other costs incurred. Accounts likely to be affected by the 2015 audits The company mostly operates with the payable accounts where they are involves with payments where they pay for the purchased stock from various manufactures. They also pay for labor which in most cases the company involves external workers. There the accounts likely to be effected are the payable accounts which may suffer from misquotes (Quick and Warming 2015). The most likely to be affected are purchases and salary and wages accounts. References Blay, A.D. and Geiger, M.A., 2013. Auditor fees and auditor independence: Evidence from going concern reporting decisions. Contemporary Accounting Research, 30(2), pp.579-606. Cannon, N. and Bedard, J.C., 2016. Auditing challenging fair value measurements: Evidence from the field. The Accounting Review. Cohen, J.R., Krishnamoorthy, G. and Wright, A., 2014. Enterprise risk management and the financial reporting process: The experiences of audit committee members, CFOs, and external auditors. DeFond, M. and Zhang, J., 2014. A review of archival auditing research. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 58(2), pp.275-326. Dhaliwal, D.S., Lamoreaux, P.T., Lennox, C.S. and Mauler, L.M., 2015. Management Influence on Auditor Selection and Subsequent Impairments of Auditor Independence during the Post?SOX Period. Contemporary Accounting Research, 32(2), pp.575-607. Quick, R. and Warming?Rasmussen, B., 2015. An Experimental Analysis of the Effects of Non?audit Services on Auditor Independence in Appearance in the European Union: Evidence from Germany. Journal of International Financial Management Accounting, 26(2), pp.150-187.
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